Hip Dysplasia and IBS


“For me, seeing quantifiable data linked to the interventions and efforts I put forth, keeps me motivated. The feedback helps me quickly identify what does and doesn't work for me.”

The Client

I am a 35 year-old woman who works full-time. I was born with hip dysplasia and have joint pain due to it. I have also had IBS since 2003. After the removal of my gallbladder in 2013, my IBS became much more difficult to control. 

The Challenge

The difficulty with my IBS is the unpredictability. Some days I feel completely fine and other days my symptoms are aggressive enough that I can't leave the house for any extended period of time until they subside.

Before HealthQb

Having tried many traditional and alternative medicine approaches, the best I have experienced is short-lived improvements. After some time though, the flare-ups would return.


The difference with HealthQb is that I feel like I have way more control over what I do when it comes to the things that trigger flare-ups. The daily feedback from my ANS score allows me to make better decisions about whether to continue or cease certain activities. The results come in incremental milestones, however they make a huge difference as they start to build on each other.

My sleep routine is far more established, and I feel more evenly energized. I also have notably less joint pain/inflammation, fewer headaches, and less frequent digestive issues. 

Within 3 Months:

+ 58% improvement in Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

+ 14% Improvement in BioPsychoSocial Score™

Utilized a Wellness Coach


Lower Back Pain From Motor Vehicle Accident