Health Coaching Package


Why work with a HealthQb Coach?

It’s one thing to know what to do. It’s another to start doing it and understand how to adjust it to your life, your needs, and your progress.

This package includes 5 x 50 minute coaching sessions with a Certified Coach that will:

  • Help personalize the recommended action(s) to you.

  • Develop a plan(s) with you to implement the recommendations.

  • Work with you as you implement the plan and guide you towards deeper insights, helpful tools, unique-to-you reflections, and ongoing recommendations based on your progress.

  • Provide accountability and support.

  • Offer a space where the focus is 100% on you and your unique health journey.

"I feel more at peace. Everything is going good now." - Megan R.

"I initially didn’t really trust my body before starting with a HealthQb and now I feel more calm in general.” - Sarah

"Now I'm more aware of when I'm not breathing properly (shallow breath)."- Jennifer

To request more information on coaching, contact us!

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Why work with a HealthQb Coach?

It’s one thing to know what to do. It’s another to start doing it and understand how to adjust it to your life, your needs, and your progress.

This package includes 5 x 50 minute coaching sessions with a Certified Coach that will:

  • Help personalize the recommended action(s) to you.

  • Develop a plan(s) with you to implement the recommendations.

  • Work with you as you implement the plan and guide you towards deeper insights, helpful tools, unique-to-you reflections, and ongoing recommendations based on your progress.

  • Provide accountability and support.

  • Offer a space where the focus is 100% on you and your unique health journey.

"I feel more at peace. Everything is going good now." - Megan R.

"I initially didn’t really trust my body before starting with a HealthQb and now I feel more calm in general.” - Sarah

"Now I'm more aware of when I'm not breathing properly (shallow breath)."- Jennifer

To request more information on coaching, contact us!

Why work with a HealthQb Coach?

It’s one thing to know what to do. It’s another to start doing it and understand how to adjust it to your life, your needs, and your progress.

This package includes 5 x 50 minute coaching sessions with a Certified Coach that will:

  • Help personalize the recommended action(s) to you.

  • Develop a plan(s) with you to implement the recommendations.

  • Work with you as you implement the plan and guide you towards deeper insights, helpful tools, unique-to-you reflections, and ongoing recommendations based on your progress.

  • Provide accountability and support.

  • Offer a space where the focus is 100% on you and your unique health journey.

"I feel more at peace. Everything is going good now." - Megan R.

"I initially didn’t really trust my body before starting with a HealthQb and now I feel more calm in general.” - Sarah

"Now I'm more aware of when I'm not breathing properly (shallow breath)."- Jennifer

To request more information on coaching, contact us!